Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So, we're hitched. I've become a dubs (W). 

Normal life resumes, right?

No way. 

To really get the full idea of our next adventure, I need to start with our wedding presents. And I really mean the hubs gift to me.

We really, really wanted to get a kitten. For months we talked about it, but just knew that we didn't have a place in our budget for one yet. We Mr. decided that he would get me a kitten as a wedding gift. 

About 3 days after we got back from our honeymoon, Mr. is back to work and I am running errands when I get a call from him telling me that he found an adorable little kitten wandering around and crying in his parking lot.

Before he even tells me the kitten was in a box and he is bringing it home, I know the little angel is going to be ours. Mr. brings it home, says I've gotta run, and takes off back to work. So, here I am with this adorable little kitten in a GIANT box crying desperately for food.

I've never had a kitten before. I have no idea what to do. I take the GIANT box with the tiny kitten to the vet at the pet store, and this is what I get back:

3 weeks old
"Welcome to the world of kitten bottle feeding."


I buy the tiny little bottle for kittens and the kitten formula, and lug this huge box back home. Now, the kitten formula instructions are very little help when the amount to feed the kitten is based solely on weight, and I have no way to weigh her. I take my best estimate, and go for it.

We get somewhat settled, and I proceed to look up every article online that I possibly could on raising 3 week old kittens. Almost every single one of them ended with the disclaimer of "If the kitten suddenly dies, it probably isn't your fault." I'm falling in love with this adorable little thing, I can't bear the thought of losing her now!

We go through a very long two weeks of feeding her every 2-3 hours and trying to essentially potty train her, and I freak out every time there might be something wrong. I'm going to be an interesting parent.

Another little tidbit of information - kittens under 4 weeks or so can't go potty on their own. Look that one up...

A couple weeks pass and we decide it's time to stop calling her Kitten and give her a real name. When Mr. and I have children I'm pretty positive that naming them is going to be the hardest part. When we finally choose a name we come up with Illyria. We call her Illy for short, and that has evolved into Illy-bean.

She is an amazing gift, and came to us at the perfect time.

By the way, we got this little girl when she was 3 weeks old, 3 weeks after our wedding. Now, if that isn't Purrfect.

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