Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Those days.

You know those days? The ones where you want to eat a bucket of ice cream covered in chocolate and cherries and sprinkles, and cookies, and whatever else sounds perfectly delicious in the moment? Yeah. This is one of those. I would just love to be curled up in my apartment with kitten. I'd even take some hot tea and comfy pants over the bucket of ice cream in that case. Until then I'll just be dreaming away...


Sunday, January 27, 2013

January Date Night

My wedding gift to Mr. was a year full of once a month dates. I got the idea over at this lovely blog.

For January I decided that we needed to get to know the great city we live right next to but never visit unless we're passing by to get to Hofbrauhaus.  So we went to Cinci's Fountain Square. It's a great little part of downtown with an ice skating rink, shops, restaurants, and you name it. We went with our awesome friends, Jeff and Kimberly.

The original plan was to go ice skating, but with my limited skating skills (read: complete lack of) we nixed that idea and instead got some food at Cincy's on Sixth. Now, personally I had been planning to go all out on dessert and worked up to it for days :). So we went to Graeter's (um, yum) to get some of their delicious ice creamy treats. 

I did, in fact, go all out. Brownie topped with hot fudge, Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream, whipped cream, and a cherry on top.  

Sadly, I forgot to take a picture. It was so glorious I dove right in and never stopped.


We had an awesome time.

And will be spending more time in our new city.

Love them all.

note: Jeff refused to let me put his picture up purely to spite me. ;) 

Friday, January 25, 2013

This is what I do on Friday nights.

I bug my loves.

I crave chocolate constantly

But I refuse to buy ice cream most of the time. So sometimes I have to scour and come up with weird yummy things to mix together to satisfy my never-ending sweet tooth. 

And voila. Craving satisfied. For now...

It snowed today

It was wintry white. And slippery cold.
And I had Chester the Cherokee.
I love my Cherokee.
Thank you, Cherokee for saving me today.
(And I guess thank you, Mr., for making me take the Cherokee because I would have died (or at least cried a lot) in the Mustang.)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh happy life.

Life has busy-ed up. Between classes and internship searching and being a Mrs. and a (kitten) Mommy I'm finding little time to spare ;). But I'm enjoying life oh so much.

Today at school I overheard people talking about their going-out plans and whatnot as they usually do. This time, though, I wondered what my life would be like as a typical student there. Would I go through the stressful rushing process for sororities? Would I spend weekends and weeknights in town partying away? 

Then I yelled in my head, that's not me! 

I'm the kind of girl that stays home with her husband and her cat on a Friday night drinking tea. I'm the kind of girl who reads both economics blogs and cooking blogs. I'm the kind of girl who loves to go out and have fun, but we better be home by 11 because I want to go home and snuggle kitten and Mr. 

Maybe this is who I am because of the life I've chosen. Maybe this has been me all along. Either way, I would never want it to be different. I have gained so much. 

I adore this life. 

And my tea. :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It's so much fun, going for you dreams. Fighting for them, running after them. And to see where it takes you!

God's plan is so great, and so amazing. I don't understand it. But it's just beautiful to sit back and watch Him work. 

Those periods of silence, where you just aren't sure where you're going, what to do, or how to get anywhere. Those periods are scary and unsure. But looking back, to see His glorious plan in the silence, and how He's been there all along, it just takes your breath away.

This God of ours. This God that holds us when we're down, fights for us when we're weak, and loves us when we're imperfect. He is beyond belief. 

We are all that we are, but our God makes us so much more. He makes us brave. He makes us lovable. He makes us humble. He makes us strong.

This God of ours.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Love my little family.
Mr. Kitten. Me.
We are a lovely trio.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

An Outdoor Adventure

Yesterday I walked my kitten. "Walked".

I should have stopped there, you can see how well it's going.

But I didn't. And now I'm the neighborhood freak-who-walks-her-cat-that-doesn't-walk.

That's right. She just sat there. And then escaped. So then I was the neighborhood freak-crawling-through-the-bushes-to-get-her-cat-that-she-tried-to-walk-on-a-leash.

Sigh. I still love kitten. 

 Oh, him too. ;)

Friday, January 18, 2013


Tonight I had a friend over. Her name is Sara. We ate spaghetti. It was too beautifully perfect not to post on Sarah'sSpaghetti. :)

 The best part may possibly be that I didn't even realize the connection until I told her this name, and she gave me a funny look. It may have alarmed her. ;)

So perhaps this is a good time to explain Sarah'sSpaghetti. Sarah was my grandmother's middle name. We are Sicilian. We ate lots of spaghetti. She has been gone 7 years now, and I miss her dearly. She was, and is, so special and I will always have the memories she left me with. I like finding little ways of keeping her with me. 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It'll be you and me up in the treees.

Well, Mr. is leaving us tomorrow for a quick trip north. I do wish that Illy bean and I could join him, but classes just get in the way sometimes. So instead, I tell little bean that we're having girls nights! Just her and I. Hanging out. I love when Mr. is home and hate when he leaves but I do get excited about my alone time. Never having lived alone, it's kind of like my special time to figure myself out some more. To get creative. To read a book (most likely an economics book, such is the life of a college student, right? plus I kind of love it...). But I know when he gets back Saturday night Illy and I will be glad to have daddy bean back.

Illy has become such a good travel kitten. That was one of our hopes, to train her into being a flexible, tolerant traveler. She is amazing! It's such a bonus when we take fairly frequent 5 hour car rides home, and tend to stay for a few days during holidays and breaks. 

On her first trip home when she was just a little fur ball she ended up sleeping in front of my seat. 
 She was so good though and slept almost the entire trip.

The next time we drove up it was just her and I and she went between crying and sleeping. It was painful. Now we're at the point where if all three of us are together, Mr. drives and I let Illy out to walk around. She'll go to the back window and watch the cars for a while, then she'll climb up front and cuddle with mommy. Sometimes she likes to crawl all over daddy while he's driving but we don't let her do that. We get some looks when she's in the windows :). 

On this last trip we were each driving a Cherokee down (thanks to Mr.'s lovely parents), which are much roomier than the Mustang we normally drive (something about a big blizzard down here, and Mustangs don't do well in snow). Anyways, since there was so much more room so Mr. put down some fuzzy blankets for miss bean and let her out and about. She calmed down after a while and roamed from fuzzy blanket to fuzzy blanket to nap. I was driving behind and every once in a while saw a little kitty silhouette. It was pretty ridiculously adorable.

So, Illy and I will be staying right here in the good O-H while Mr. ventures home. You can be sure we'll be indulging in lots of tea, a good ole' econ book, my lovely comfy couch, and food that I never get to make when semi-picky husband is around (I've got to give him the "semi", he's come a long way ;) ).

Come back to us soon, Mr.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What is it about spending a whole day at school that makes me want to come home and eat everything I can find? And especially things that aren't so good for me. And it's only my first full day back!!!

I can eat healthy, I can do it, I can do it. Just look at this beautiful bowl of luscious grapes.

Go for the grapes. Go for the grapes.

Oh, my food obsession.

An end in sight!

Today I found out that I should be able to graduate in 3 more semesters! So pumped! This news gives me even more energy for this semester. It's going to be a tough year with lots crammed in, and Mr. might have to put up with a hurricane of an apartment sometimes (but he never, ever, ever complains!), but it's just so close I can almost taste it.

 It just feels so good to see the end. It's taken me a while to get where I am, but so much was gained along the way. Now I have visions of great adventures and great fun on our post-college journey...but that's getting a little ahead of myself here.

Until then here's my plan to survive:

  • Lots of cuddles.
  • Tons of Illy pets
  • Camping (when it's warm)
  • Hiking (when it's not January)
  • Tea (still obsessed)
I'm especially excited for the cuddles.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Random littles.

I am not a summer girl. I don't dream of long, blistering hot months and swim suits and air-conditioning. Don't get me wrong, I love a gorgeous summer day as much as the next girl, and I love dreaming of sailing my days away with my Mr. and my kitten and all the lovely people who might join us (if we had a sailboat). But I really love the fall. And I really love to get all cozied-up. 

However, the temperature here is back down to FREEZING and I'm just not feeling it. Not one bit. 

Perhaps I was just spoiled from our record warm January weather over the weekend. I guess it's just another reason to warm up with some hot cocoa (and real marshmallows!)!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Another semester has arrived

Classes start tomorrow. Yesterday I was all about this. But yesterday I had one more day. I'm just enjoying my freedom so much, this ability to think and create and grow freely. But idleness must not last, right? So this is good. It's time to carry on and eventually I will graduate. It just has to happen.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Illy Bean

I'm in love with kitten.

Like, she is my baaaby in love. But, what can you expect when we raised her from 3 weeks old? I mean, come on, we bottle-fed her! 

Anyways. Most of the pictures on my phone, Mr.'s phone, computer, camera, and Facebook are of my darling kitten. 

Sadly, little kitten doesn't like to sit with her mommy anymore and snuggle. I'm hoping she grows out of this. But once in a very long while she will perch on my lap for about 2 minutes (see picture). I mean, she has to grow out of it. Of course. I'm her mom.

I just adore her.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I have a new one.

And it's possible I'm the last one on the planet to discover this, so please forgive my sheltered self.

Loose-leaf tea.

It's glorious, heavenly deliciousness in a teapot, and is supposed to be uber healthy, and have a higher quality than tea bags! I even bought myself my very own teapot.

I've only bought tea at Teavana so far, but am looking forward to branching out and discovering new and exciting flavors. Though, Teavana has some seriously yummy-smelling teas. They wave those tin lids like pros and you get this amazing, full aroma that you can almost taste right then and there, and you have to resist the urge to buy out the store.

You'll just have to see for yourself. I encourage it.

Drink tea.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A runner's mind

I am not a runner. Nowhere near a runner. I will never be a runner.

But sometimes I like to run. And by run, I mean 4.6 mph, treadmill for 30 minutes kind of run. I ran cross country for a couple years in high school, and in my very first meet I was the very last place runner. Like, of all the schools.

So, I will never claim to be a runner. I'm pretty confident that I would get bored running for hours on end anyways. One of my New Year's goals (remember, resolutions are already set up for failure, at least in my case) is to be consistent with my exercise, so I've started my 30 minute treadmill runs yet again. In my never-ending effort to always attempt to run consistently, this is what I would say about running.

It's terrible, exhilarating, powerful, painful, and wonderful. The first time starting up again I was nervous, scared really. But I knew it must be done and so there I went and...I enjoyed it. Ahh. Sigh of relief. Then I did it again. And again. 

Every run is just like reaching my goal over and over again. It feels great! I'm convinced running is 90% mental, 10% physical. If I think about hurting, it hurts. If I think about being tired, I'm tired. But if I zone out of all of those little worries and just decide that I'm going to keep running, magical things can happen.

And so far I have run consistently for 1 week. Pure magic.

It's a start anyways.



There's just something about rainy days.

It's a gloomy-ish kind of morning.

The kind where you know it rained overnight, with that maybe-I'm-going-to-start-pouring-as-soon-as-you-walk-out-the-door look.

But nevertheless I find rainy days somewhat charming. 
Unless I'm walking around campus.

These are the times I appreciate the simple things.

Sitting in my apartment with a hot cup of fresh coffee, admiring my darling little kitten (or dodging her attack attempts), and browsing the interwebs (as my husband would say) for the latest news.

Yes, she is actually sleeping like this.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Real Normal Life

That should about catch us up. Fresh from this point forward.

It's a new year. This is Mr.'s and my 7th New Year together. We celebrated low-key with friends and games.

We like low-key.

As with most New Years, I'm ready to make a change. Or several. I have let too many things slide in the midst of busy and hectic semesters, and it's time to get back on track. 

I refuse to call these my resolutions. In my perspective, resolutions don't last. Rather, they are my goals. 

Normal life is refreshing. Since our wedding adventures have ended we've both had time to focus on our careers and self-improvement. 

We are so excited about where life is taking us, and I absolutely love knowing that wherever I go, Mr. will be by my side.


So, we're hitched. I've become a dubs (W). 

Normal life resumes, right?

No way. 

To really get the full idea of our next adventure, I need to start with our wedding presents. And I really mean the hubs gift to me.

We really, really wanted to get a kitten. For months we talked about it, but just knew that we didn't have a place in our budget for one yet. We Mr. decided that he would get me a kitten as a wedding gift. 

About 3 days after we got back from our honeymoon, Mr. is back to work and I am running errands when I get a call from him telling me that he found an adorable little kitten wandering around and crying in his parking lot.

Before he even tells me the kitten was in a box and he is bringing it home, I know the little angel is going to be ours. Mr. brings it home, says I've gotta run, and takes off back to work. So, here I am with this adorable little kitten in a GIANT box crying desperately for food.

I've never had a kitten before. I have no idea what to do. I take the GIANT box with the tiny kitten to the vet at the pet store, and this is what I get back:

3 weeks old
"Welcome to the world of kitten bottle feeding."


I buy the tiny little bottle for kittens and the kitten formula, and lug this huge box back home. Now, the kitten formula instructions are very little help when the amount to feed the kitten is based solely on weight, and I have no way to weigh her. I take my best estimate, and go for it.

We get somewhat settled, and I proceed to look up every article online that I possibly could on raising 3 week old kittens. Almost every single one of them ended with the disclaimer of "If the kitten suddenly dies, it probably isn't your fault." I'm falling in love with this adorable little thing, I can't bear the thought of losing her now!

We go through a very long two weeks of feeding her every 2-3 hours and trying to essentially potty train her, and I freak out every time there might be something wrong. I'm going to be an interesting parent.

Another little tidbit of information - kittens under 4 weeks or so can't go potty on their own. Look that one up...

A couple weeks pass and we decide it's time to stop calling her Kitten and give her a real name. When Mr. and I have children I'm pretty positive that naming them is going to be the hardest part. When we finally choose a name we come up with Illyria. We call her Illy for short, and that has evolved into Illy-bean.

She is an amazing gift, and came to us at the perfect time.

By the way, we got this little girl when she was 3 weeks old, 3 weeks after our wedding. Now, if that isn't Purrfect.

Dogs, snorkeling, and starfish

I now understand why people go on honeymoons.

Weddings are exhausting.

The day after the wedding we opened gifts with our close family members, and spent some extra time with our out-of-state-ers. By the time we left to make the 5 hour journey back home, it was getting pretty late.

All I wanted to do when we got home was sleep. Unfortunately, we had decided to pack this night for our honeymoon the following day. Big mistake.

By the time we unloaded the car, packed our (very small) suitcases, and got all of our flight information together we had about 2-3 hours to sleep before it was time to get going again. 

We had a full day of traveling the next day, and were worried about making a couple of our flights due to logistics.

We started our day at 4am, and a good 16 (hectic) hours later arrived at our beach house destination.

We were blessed to be staying in my Uncle's beach house. We spent our days reading in the sun on our practically private beach. It was perfect.

We did some snorkeling. Well, mostly Mr. went snorkeling. He even found himself about 20 feet from a shark at one time.

We had some sunsets.

And we made friends with some neighbor dogs.

We went on a fishing adventure, too!

It was much needed rest and relaxation.

When we got home, we found that our friends had spent some time redecorating our apartment.

We have some (crazy) good friends.