Saturday, March 23, 2013

Kitten, again, of course.

I'm sitting here (avoiding homework, obviously) with a sleeping kitten in my lap, who couldn't be any more beautiful, and there are birds absolutely singing their hearts out in the shining sun. It's pretty wonderful.

And about this kitten. I love her unbelievably so. I love watching her change and grow. I love watching her sleep. I love watching her jump and play and get crazy. (I know I'm officially a crazy cat girl, really, I know it.)

I just can't help but think about our future family. I can't even imagine the love I could feel for my own child, if I love this kitten this much. (please, I understand I'm a crazy cat girl).

I've got it bad.


End of a season.

We're anxiously awaiting you, spring. Don't be shy. You are peeking from around the corner I see, blessing us with your sunshine. But won't you jump out and rid us of this biting cold? We wouldn't mind...

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. It was beautiful outside. Chilly, with a large dose of sunshine. Mr. had the day off, and as I drove home from class excited to see him, I imagined all the fun things we might do.

As I drove into our parking lot, there was Mr. with three other men. They were gathered around her. Gathered around my lovely little car.

I was gifted my little car when I was 14 years old. She has been my good friend for the past 8 years. That lovely little Neon was my grandmothers. And just about a month before she passed away was my birthday, and she gave me the keys to her car. So, she's been special little car. And yesterday when they drove away in my little car, I cried. I cried because your first car is always special. I cried because that little car traveled to so many places and changes and times with me. And because I hated giving away my grandmother's car.

As silly as it might sound, getting so attached to a car, it really was a special thing to me. As we were standing outside, title signed over, checking over the last of the compartments, I found a little notebook that used to be hers. I started flipping through the pages, and an old driver's license fell out. There was my beautiful grandmother smiling back at me. I swear it was magical.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On stringing together letters and such

Absent. That's where I've been.

The craziness of life has been wonderfully present. My words have been trapped in my thoughts.

There is a lovely chaotic flare to everything right now. But aren't those the times when the learning is heavy?

Life is beautiful, living for God. Every day is just another opportunity to be positive and show His love.

Husband is hard at work  as usual. Kitten is her same cuddly self, with a little attitude and adolescence going on. I have been on break. Pictures and more thoughts to come.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

On finding yourself.

In the quiet times. Isn't that when we get to know ourselves?
In the soft peace of the morning.
Or in the deep dark of the night.
The times when we allow ourselves to think. To feel. To understand this space around us.
There is so much to these endless thoughts.
So much to the unspoken words.
There is beauty and charm.
There is fear and sadness.
And sometimes there are things so deep, so very well knit into your soul.
And you know they will never unravel.
And in the heart of the darkness,
In the heart of the beauty,
You know you'll find a piece of yourself.